

Conflicts of interest of Committee Members are recognised, recorded and managed, to promote the integrity and transparency of the Club.

What is a conflict of interest?

A conflict of interest arises when an individual, who is in a position to influence a decision within an organisation, has the potential to exploit that position to benefit personally, for a friend, family member or another connection, at the expense of the organisation’s best interests. A committee member would have a conflict of interest if they (or their family) would be set to benefit personally from a committee decision.

Potential conflicts of interest need to be carefully considered and correctly managed, and can include potential or perceived conflicts as well as actual conflicts. Failure to identify these can be just as damaging as an actual conflict of interest.

Policy for conflicts of interest

Officials of Rowledge Cricket Club (RCC) are required to act in the best interests of the Club and in accordance with the Club’s aims and objectives. For that reason committee members and others acting on behalf of RCC must be free from conflicts of interest that could adversely influence their judgment, objectivity or loyalty to the Club in conducting RCC activities.

This policy should also be read in conjunction with the Constitution.

Management Committee members or those in attendance at meetings on an ad hoc or by invitation basis e.g. Club President, are required

  • to avoid a situation in which they have, or can have, a direct or indirect interest that conflicts, or possibly may conflict, with the interests of the Club. The duty applies in particular to the exploitation of property, information or opportunity (whether or not the Club could take advantage of the property, information or opportunity).
  • to declare interest in a proposed transaction or arrangement with the Club.

A conflict of interest includes those arising from:

  • any personal financial interest in a transaction with the Club – for example, where a Management Committee member receives payment from the Club for services or goods;
  • conflicts of duty which do not involve any material benefit to a Management Committee member, for example, where a Management Committee member is also a member of another Club or Committee which might be in competition with the Club (“conflicts of loyalty”) e.g. for grant funding.

Recognising conflicts of interest

Committee members must disclose any conflicts of interest at the beginning of each season and update these disclosures at the start of each committee meeting.

Recording conflicts of interest

Conflicts will be recorded in a Register of Interests and updated at the start of each committee meeting.

Managing conflicts of interest

  • Any Committee member who has a financial interest (direct or indirect) in a matter under discussion, should declare the nature of their interest and withdraw from the room, unless they have been given a dispensation to speak by the Chairman.
  • If a Committee member has any interest in the matter under discussion, which creates a real danger of bias or conflict of loyalty, (which is defined as the interest affects their, or a member of their household, more than the generality affected by the decision) they should declare the nature of the interest and withdraw from the room, unless they have been given a dispensation to speak by the Chairman.
  • If a Committee member has any other interest which does not create a real danger of bias, but which might reasonably cause others to think it could influence their decision, they should declare the nature of the interest, but may remain in the room, participate in the discussion, and vote if they wish.
  • If in any doubt about the application of these rules they should consult with the Chairman in advance of any discussion.
  • All such interests declared shall be recorded within the minutes of the meeting

Data Protection

The information provided will be processed only to ensure that the best interests of RCC are maintained and in accordance with our Privacy Policy which can be found on the RCC website. The information provided will not be used for any other purpose.


Please record below information about material personal, business or other interests (including information relating to members of your immediate family) which might, to the best of your knowledge or belief, or of which you could reasonably be expected to be aware:

  • Give rise to a conflict of interest for you with the activities of Rowledge Cricket Club
  • Influence or lead to a perception of a conflict in the eyes of the public, the supporters of Rowledge Cricket Club or your colleagues in your behaviour as a Committee Member or in the way of which you alone, or together with others, participate in or vote on affairs of Rowledge Cricket Club. 


RCC January 2023

RCC Membership on Pitchero